Friday, June 19, 2009

VBS Be. Light. Thursday - 6/25

Join us this Thursday, 6/25/09!

***Please note: Thursday is Water Day at VBS and we can be used to help around the waterslides so wear something you won’t mind getting wet (maybe shorts, t-shirts and flip flops).***

Where: Meet at Mariners Church Chapel Parking Lot

Time: 9:30A

Why: It’s VBS week and we’re going to be light by praying over the campus, activities, children, families, staff and volunteers. One way we can be sure to help is with campus safety out on the lawn, by the lake and by the creek. We can also be available as needed in other areas.

Please note: Children will not be able to participate in any of the VBS activities, since registration is closed. Thank you for considering this before planning to attend with them.

Have questions, contact Janel, 949.854.7030 x314

Women's Ministries

1 comment:

  1. Today we had the privilege of "being light" on campus during VBS! We were small but mighty in prayer!!

    We started off the day by praying and continued to pray all around campus. We caught up with Tim Timmons (leading worship for VBS) in between sets and prayed with him. We prayed with Chef Craig, we prayed in front of the large registration board filled with the names of all the children who registered for VBS and we prayed in the Student Center while the play was going on at Bible time.

    We hung out with lots of the little kids to watch a skit and then sing praises with Tim Timmons. I loved seeing the kids dancing, singing and doing the different hand motions with each song. Good times!!

    We ended the day by supervising Water Day out on the lawn. The kids were having a blast...waterslides, inflatable pools, sprinklers and more!!

    What a blessing it was to be a blessing!! Jesus is the light that shines in us...when we gather together to serve others, that light shines brightly! I LOVE it!!!

    Thank you to Jo, AJ, Nancy, Terry, Sylvia and Christian for being the light with me today!

    God you are SO good!!
