Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Be. Light. Thursdays!!

Wow! God is amazing! We are reaching out to be a light in our community tomorrow, 6/11, by hosting a Diaper Giveaway and the stories have already started coming in! I cannot wait to see all that God does!

We posted an ad on looking for families with little ones in need of diapers and received many responses. As of now we have 49 families coming because they need diapers. We will serve them lunch and let them know how much they are loved.

I have forgotten how expensive diapers are and the hardship they bring to a tight budget. I am praying that these families see Jesus and feel His love through us. Below is just one letter we have received. Take a moment to read it.

Be the light…share your story with us!
Blessings of Jesus to you,
Shelly Juskiewicz, Pastor to Women
Women's Website

"I feel so blessed right now. The Lord works in ways that are sometimes hard to understand; just when you think you’re at the bottom and can go no further, The Lord picks you up, shakes the dust off you, nudges your shoulder and tells you to move on! He sends blessings into our lives in all different forms; whether it is good health, beautiful healthy children, good friends, food in our mouths, and OF COURSE people like you!

"May 13th was our son Angel's 4th birthday...not a penny to our name right now and believe it or not, I was upset because I did not know what to do for his birthday. My Daughter Taylor said, "Mom...can we put a candle in a banana and sing to Angel? I laughed, and said, "No Taylor, I don't want to bring any more attention to his birthday than we have to right now. We will celebrate when we can..and we will". I knew we were not going to have a party or go anywhere, but I at least wanted to acknowledge his birthday and have a cake, but again, no money.

Here we are on Craigslist and again the Lord works in mysterious ways!

We have a 1 year old daughter, Gianna, and we needed diapers and wet wipes and maybe a food box. May & June have been quite challenging, so this will GREATLY HELP!

Thank you so much,
Jessyca Molina & Tony Jackson"

1 comment:

  1. Blessed to be a blessing! I love to give when my heart is driven to give. Of course, I know that God loves a cheerful giver, so maybe I am driven by that scripture a bit more than I should. I remember one time I had bought a pair of new sunglasses and went over to visit a friend. She recognized they were new and said how much she liked them. I could tell she meant it, so I asked her if she wanted them. She looked at me, as if to say yeah right. I said I was serious and that if she would like them I wanted to give them to her. Yes, it was on my heart to give them to her. She was shocked and asked why I would give her my new sunglasses. I told her it was because she liked them and wanted them. She couldn't believe I would want to do that, but gladly accepted. My friend wasn't a Christian, but I believe that in that moment she saw Christ in me. He is the One who prompts my heart to want to give. I believe that simple expression of love comes from God. His Word says that we love because He first loved us. God loved my friend and wanted to bless her and show her His love. He did that through a pair of sunglasses that I was willing to give. It truly is more blessed to give than to receive.
