Friday, June 12, 2009

Diaper Drive

I started the morning like every other day, praying to God about the day and wondering what it was He was going to do. What an exciting day we had as we prepared for 69 families to come and have brunch with us and receive a supply of diapers and baby wipes for their children!

It has been a long time since I bought diapers. My heart was touched by the women who bought diapers to be given away, who have never had children, but wanted to be a part of what we were doing.

I forgot how expensive diapers were. The people who came were so kind and it was such a pleasure to let God use us to bless them. The pictures engraved in my mind are of the woman we sent home with a care package of food even though her husband was sure they did not need anything. She saw the love of Jesus poured out lavishly as Nancy helped her gather up some food to take home. Her husband left a beautiful thank you note thanking everyone and letting us know we would never know how much it meant to them. Tony and Jessyca, from the story I shared yesterday about the little boy that did not get a birthday party, left with a bag filled with gifts, a target gift card and cupcakes for a party. The mom who brought these items has a little boy the same age and knew she needed to do it. I was surprised by the women who came who already were a part of our church. I was surprised by the number of people who want to come back and go to church this weekend. For some of us today it was easy to be a light, for some of us today was a different experience, but for all it was a day where we lived the gospel of Jesus Christ rather than just study it!

Next week…join us in the cafĂ© at 9:30a. Glean your cupboards of food so we can make food boxes for families in need within our church who are part of the Economic Life Support Ministry, supporting those who have lost their jobs or are struggling with the current economy. Afterwards we will go to lunch at CPK in Irvine and ask the God to use us to bless our waiters and waitresses as we ask them how we can pray for them.

Blessing of Light,

1 comment:

  1. The Diaper Drive was awesome! It was really great to welcome so many families to Mariners and get to bless them with brunch and diapers! I have a cute story from the end of the day: Two little girls were playing together. One girl was from Mariners and the other was here from the Diaper Drive. The girl from Mariners turned as her Mom called to her saying it was time to leave. The girl turned back to the girl she was playing with then before she turned to leave she said "Bye, I won't forget you."
